Nicotine is a natural product of tobacco, occurring within the leaves of nicotiana tabacum during a range of 0.5 to 7.5% counting on variety. Nicotine is additionally found within the leaves of wild tobacco, in amounts of 2–14%; in Duboisia hopwoodii and in Asclepias syriaca. Nicotine may be a widely used stimulant and potent par sympathomimetic alkaloid that's naturally produced within the nightshade family of plants. It’s used for smoking cessation to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine may be a widely used stimulant and potent para sympathomimetic alkaloid that's naturally produced within the nightshade family of plants. It’s used for smoking cessation to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
Natural organic compounds and Pyrethroids: Nicotine may be a non-persistent non-systemic, contact insecticide with some ovicidal properties. Nicotine is helpful as a fumigant in closed spaces. Nicotine is prepared from tobacco by steam distillation or solvent extraction. However, Nicotine is harmful to bees, dangerous to fish, livestock, game, wild birds and animals. Following formulations of nicotine are available within the market: The 95% alkaloid, nicotine sulphate [40% alkaloid], and 3-5% dusts. For fumigation nicotine shreds are burnt, or the liquid nicotine is applied to a heated metal surface.
The implementation of Tobacco control measures and higher production of Tobacco is expected to ease things within the future and more raw material containing higher percentage of nicotine are going to be available in future to the Nicotine and other alternate tobacco product manufacturers within the future. However, in India, the product of nicotine alone isn't enough to meet the growing demand. Most of its demand is met by imports.
The India Tobacco Board has authorized a 2020 Traditional FCV crop size of 90 million kilos. However, crop size is estimated at 96 million kilos. A grade spread consisting of 20 million kilos of bright, 25 million kilos of the medium, and 51 million kilos of low style tobacco. 90% of the crop is already harvested. The average market price is USD 2.10 for this year.
Indian Tobacco Board has authorized an NLS 2020 crop size of 46 million kilos. However, a crop size 42 million kgs is anticipated which was transplanted in 17,000 hectares and 90% of the crop has been harvested. The average market price is expected to be USD 2.30 for this year.
In India, production of Flue-Cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco – a variety used in Cigarettes, accounts for around 30% of total tobacco produced in India. India is the 3rd largest producer of FCV tobacco in the world with an annual production of around 240 million kgs. As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit.
Few Indian major players are as under
Tata Chemicals Ltd.
Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Ltd.
Cipla Health Ltd.
B G P Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Alchem International Pvt. Ltd.